Community Support
Our Support and Advice service provides in-person support to people in the local area and includes home visits, welcome sessions to introduce people to the services we offer, and wrap-around support in collaboration with a range of local agencies.
We can provide support on a range of issues including:
- housing,
- welfare and benefits,
- financial concerns,
- mental and physical health, and wellbeing such as collection and delivery of prescriptions, and
- signposting and referring people to specialist advice and support they may benefit from.
We conduct home visits too – please get in touch with Chris by popping into the office or email: or calling 0113 245 5553.
Leeds City Council – access to advice
Each week the Leeds City Council Mobile Community Hub visits Holbeck and parks at the side of St Matthews on Tuesdays (10am – 3.30pm) and Thursdays (10am – 3.30pm). You can pop by to speak with an advisor about council services such as council tax, housing, benefits and can also get assistance with job searches, job applications, interview skills, and CV writing. The Mobile Community Hub has computers and free WiFi too.
Emergency support
We know that many of our clients are unable to get ‘out and about’ or may face an emergency need. We have limited resources but can help in the following ways:
- emergency food parcels for local residents,
- emergency utility bills support for key or cards, and
- provide essential household items.
If we are unable to provide this service, we will do our best to recommend you to other services across the city that might be able to help.
Wellbeing Breakfast
We also provide a free, drop-in Wellbeing Breakfast once a month on a Thursday at St Matthews Community Centre, 10 – 11.00am. For specific dates please refer to our latest newsletter which can be found on our ‘News’ page.
Making new friends
We also run a befriending service, which is supported by our wonderful team of volunteers. The befriending service connects people who are experiencing isolation and loneliness and gives them a chance to chat to a new friend, as well as receive support and guidance.
Our Partners
We work with, and signpost people, to a range of partners to support the people in our community, including GP practices, Carers Leeds, People Matters Leeds, Health for All, Hamara Centre, Touchstone, Forward Leeds, Linking Leeds – social prescribing and many more.

Meet Claire, our Operations & Community Engagament Officer
Claire oversees the development of our community support service and partnerships with community organisations. To get in touch with Claire, email or contact the office on 0113 2455553. Find out more about Claire and the rest of the team.

Meet Chris, Community Support Worker
Chris is your first point of contact for any advice and support you need. He can listen to your needs and directly help or signpost you to a more appropriate support organisation if required. To get in touch with Chris email or contact the office on 0113 245 5553. Find out more about Chris and the rest of the team.